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A view of the world of haiku of Buson Yosa(与謝蕪村) and doll artist Yosoemon(与左右衛門).

Yosa Buson(与謝蕪村)  who was one of the masters of Edo haikai was also genius for painting.
The haiku to be like a picture and overflowed with attractiveness and which has collaborated with Yosoemon(与左右衛門) who was a doll
artist and a painter with  the unique view of the world and unrelated in the space and the time.

The dolls created by Yosoemon(与左右衛門) are something like bodhisattva with long and attenuated fingertip, the quiet look being
flexible and  being white overflow with femininity and mercy of kindness has overflowed within sexiness. 

He got inspiration from the loved cat and thought of Kinnenko.
Goldfish and cat coalesced into Kinnenko(キンネコ) and it drifts across the universe and brings lots of happiness.


This HP is created by the individual who simply enjoy creating it.

The profile and images are borrowed from their web sites.

Please note that slanderous emails are not accepted.

このHPは個人が趣味で作っている個人サイトですので個人的な主旨で作られています。 画像は本人のブログ、作品集、ポストカード等より抜粋しています。


■与左右衛門人形アート Blog:

■ 作品集 十二支の神々 、十二支の神々より天空の物語 
   株式会社 グローバルトレーディング
■ ギャラリー リブ・アート (Gallery Live-Art.)
■ 与左右衛門 ポストカード

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